REB Bill Payment (Customer)

  • REB Bill Payment (Customer)

REB user bill payment through USSD is a flexible way to pay your bill from your mobile. You can dial USSD short code (*727#) and follow the instructions to browse different sections of bill payment including registration, balance check, password change and other services.

You can even directly reach a particular portion like for bill payment you can dial *727*2#. The details of User Bill Payment is as follows:

  • Dial *727#for Main menu :
    • Type 1 for registration
    • Type 2 for Bill Payment
    • Type 3 for more option
  • Dial *727*1#directly to access subscriber registration menu:
    • Type 1 for subscriber registration (only for getting customer ID for bill payment)
    • Type 2 for wallet registration ( Bill Payment & to get customer ID for your own mobile number & if you do the wallet registration, Subscriber registration is not necessary for bill payment)

Noticed that from one wallet account you can pay maximum three bills.

Details Process For Subscriber Registration

Dial *727*1#

Type 1 for subscriber registration & type your SMS Account number & type your Contact number then type your name.

Reply :

Mr. Shokkur Ali

Account Number (1069076335150)

ID (960275)

Contact No: 01554841966

Details Process For Wallet Registration

Dial *727*1#

Type 2 for wallet registration & Type your SMS Account Number & Type your National ID number& type your Contact Number & type your Name then press yes.

Reply: Congrats ,Mr. Shokkur Ali successfully registration complete for REB bill Payment

Your ID is (96025)

pin (6667)

contact Number : 01554841966

Bill Payment Details Process

Type 2 for Bill Payment ( from main menu) or (Directly Dial *727*2#)

You can pay bill from your own mobile number in 3(three) methods:

First method : Dial *727*2* Customer ID* bill_month*bill_year#

  • Second Method : Dial *727*2#then you follow the below steps:
    • Please type your Customer ID
    • Please type your bill_month
    • Please Type your bill year

Third Method: Dial *727*2* bill no# to pay bill through Bill Number.

Then subscriber will get first reply &will be asked 4 digit pin number. After typing pin , subscriber will get 2nd reply.

1st Reply: Mr. Shokkur Ali, Account No (1069076335150), Bill Amount (105), Bill Month (1),Please type your pin for Payment.

2nd Reply: Mr. Shokkur Ali, Bill No: (10690710182178467), Bill Amount (105),: Bill Payment successful. Transaction ID:0000000029432254. Last Balance : 285 tk.

For other Help option using USSD code for Bill payment related information.

Type 3 for more option from main menu or (Directly Dial *727*3#)

"more option" are as follows:

1. Type 1 for Bill status.

2. Type 2 to change contact number.

3. Type 3 to change name.

4. Type 4 to know balance or (Directly Dial *727*3*4#).

5. Type 5 to know Customer ID & info.

To Change Password or Create New password Number For REB Bill Payment From Customer Own Mobile

Dial *727*3*6* customer_id# (To change password or new password)

Balance Transfer using USSD code from retailer to Subscriber:

Dial *727*9*155XXXXXXXX*155XXXXXXXX*360*password#