
Great offer on new connections
- Free data up to 71 GB *.
- 20 FNF.
- 10 second pulse.

Startup Offer:
- SIM Price: 250 Tk (all charges included).
- Free Data: 1 GB (validity: 7 days).
- Pre-loaded balance: 5 Tk (validity: 30 days).

- Voice tariff 90 paisa

-SMS tariff 25 Paisa (Bangla), 50 Paisa (English) 

First Recharge Offer:
After activating the SIM biometrically, first recharge of 48 Tk, the customer will get:
- 40 Tk main balance.
- Free 10 GB data (validity: 7 days).
- 12 minutes talk time (on any local operator / duration: 7 days).
The customer will receive the offer only once in a lifetime.

Free offer on recharge:
Once every 30 days (maximum 12 times) recharge of 100 Tk the customer will get:
- 100 Tk main balance.
- Free 5 GB data (valid for 7 days).
- The offer is only available on recharge.
- Offer period is from activation month to 12 months.

FnF and FnF Tariff: 
- FNF number: 20
- FNF Tariff: 45 paisa / min (on any local operator)

Other information:
- All tariffs include supplementary duty, VAT and surcharge.
- To migrate to Shadheen Package write sha SMS to 555 (Charge Free)